Monday, 25 February 2008

Goodness Gracious Me

Represents asian parents as uneducated, and even after the son admits he is gay, the mother still mentions finding a "nice indian boy" Common stereoptype of sticking with their own race..

Using an english song and creating a parady, reenacting an indian version. for example.. "im a punjabi girl.. i never cut my hair"

English Wife - (appropriating)British people almost patronising asians, by trying to be over interested and complimentary.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

The colour of Money - Anjna Raheja

7.9% of the population is from ethnic minorities, but the advertising industry does not reflect this.
whether this is in terms of employment or targetting clients.

the 2nd and 3rd generation of ethnic minority are thought to be brand conscious, technologically savvy and proud of their culture - strong consumer.

72% of south asian community live in pay tv homes compared to only 39% of the uk population as a whole and 74% have a mobile phone compared to 69% indicating that ethnic minority not necessarily deprived or less better off.

Also increase of south asian channels, 18 dedicated tb channels,6 commerial radio stations.

Black actors win more TV roles. - Matt Wells

Increase in representation of ethnic minority groups in TV soaps and dramas.
eg Eastenders and Casuality.

However, often present one sided and simplistic picture of Britains racial problems

Lord Ouselet claims "Where are the black and minity ethnic exectutives, directors,commissioning editors, programme makers? Why is it still so white at the top"

Andrea Wonfor - creative director of Granada TV said that it will take time for ethnic minority groups to work at higher level jobs, similar to how it took women time to "rise to the top"

How Entertainment has Changed - Alex Webb

Films like Bend it like Beckham prove UK's multicultural entertainment has become mainstream.

78% from poll votes suggest that ethnic minority groups are better represented now.

73% of black people, and 67% of asians also say that things have improved.

However, britiain still has "someway to go" as this is not the same in off screen roles e.g. 54% of
black people and 57% of asians beleive it is harder to get a job in the media.

Greg Dyke - BBC's coporation - "hideously white"

Ethinic minority push my BBC - Matt Wells

BBC aims to "improve its news coverage of Britians ethnic minority"
Radio 5 live - to cover Afro - Caribbean comunities.
BBC Asian network set to expand to cover the whole country on digital radio.
Station aims to cover more news of ethnic minority groups whish was previously neglected.
Sunrise radio - proposing to drop the use of the word "Asian"
(Complaints from Hindu and Sikh communities, are too closely associated with Muslims. and being targeted after sept 11.)

Subcontinental drift by Nitin Sawhney

Increase of 2nd and 3rd generation of British Asians.
Asians expressing their identity through music, artists such as Cornershop,Asian Dub foundation, Joi Sona Fariq and Talvin Singh.
These groups were first categorized as "Asian Underground"
"undergoing a cultural and artistic revolution" - eg Goodness Gracious Me ( first asian comedy to be recognised form the BBC)
success of Bombay Dreams.
The Guru, Bend it like Beckham and Monsoon wedding all recieved mainstream support.